I mentioned that as humans in interaction we have to deal with the Clausewitzian idea of a "unified concept of of a general friction (Gesamtbegriffeiner allgemeinen Frikition)"
He identifies eight sources which I'll modify from the original;
* Danger, which brings and breeds fear.
* Physical exertion, "fatigue makes cowards of us all."
* Uncertainties and imperfections in information. Add to that the limits placed on the time and power for computation.
* The resistance within one's own team, group or system.
* Chance. It cannot be eliminated. This confines the use of any "optimal" program or plan to the past. Optimal ideas or systems have no place in the future.
* Physical and political limits. There's no free lunch and someone else decided on the menu.
* Unpredictability in dealing with other systems. Consider how the rest of the world has to view dealing with North Korea.
* Disconnects between ends and means. In human enterprises the application of linear thinking to wicked problems, using hope as a method, thinking that the past perfectly predicts the future, cultural biases, i.e. Rhetorics of thinking are just a few examples.
Friction is "a structural feature" of all local level organic systems. Like the Dissipative structure from which all energy and matter comes out of and returns to friction is everywhere. Only the degree and type can be controlled and that comes at a cost, usually an increase in any of the other areas. For practical purposes we are dealing with people and people in interactions cannot escape friction.
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